Friday, 5 March 2021 - Logistics Long Lunch
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 - Industry Breakfast
Speaker: Captain Steve Pelecanos, Managing Director, Hermes Maritime Shipping & Logistics
Topic: "The future of Coastal Shipping in Queensland and the Impact on Mackay"
Wednesday, 3rd September 2014 - Lunch Forum
Speaker: Peter Keyte, General Manager Trade Services, Port of Brisbane
Topic: "The Trade Supply Chain - Achieving balanced modal share is critical to meet future demand,
increase global competiveness and maintain sustainability. The challenge of increasing rail
and coastal shipping and the PBPL Solutions."
Download Presentation in PDF
Topic: "The Trade Supply Chain - Achieving balanced modal share is critical to meet future demand,
increase global competiveness and maintain sustainability. The challenge of increasing rail
and coastal shipping and the PBPL Solutions."
Download Presentation in PDF
Wednesday, 5th June 2013 - Lunch Forum
Speaker: James Moutafis, Senior Vice President Coal Business Development, Aurizon
Topic: "Staged development of multi-user rail and port infrastructure to support growth in the
Bowen and Galilee Basins"
Friday, 14th October 2011 - Lunch Forum
Speaker: Mr Russell Smith, CEO Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd
Topic: "Port of Brisbane Developments"
Thursday, 29th April 2010 - Lunch Forum
Speaker: Mr Leo Zussino, CEO Gladstone Ports Corporation
Topic: "Gladstone as Australia's 21st Century industrial city and AMSA's 2025 strategic vision"